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Planning Board Minutes 07/05/11
Planning Board
July 5, 2011
Approved August 2, 2011

Members Present:  Tom Vannatta, Chair; Ron Williams, Vice-Chair; Bill Weiler, Bruce Healey, Members; Deane Geddes, Alison Kinsman, Alternates; Rachel Ruppel, Advisor; Jim Powell, ex-officio member.

Mr. Vannatta called the meeting to order at 7: 07 p.m.


The Board reviewed the minutes of June 7, 2011 and made corrections. Mr. Weiler made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected. Mr. Williams seconded the motion. All in favor.

The Board signed the mylar for Case 2011-004, Lot line adjustment, Emily Welsh, Marc Moran, agent.

CASE:     Case 2011-011: Conceptual Briott LLC/Scott Falvey. 603-568-0537. Map/Lot # 051-694-483.

Mr. Falvey was present and said his 160 acre property on Southgate is no longer being considered for a subdivision. He said his intent is to put in a driveway so a potential buyer can access the property. He said he has no plans to build on the property. He noted that he met with the Road Agent and was directed by him to the Planning Board. Mr. Falvey said he already has a state wetland permit.

Mr. Williams asked if most of the property is ledge. Mr. Falvey said a lot of it is rock but added that he is unsure if it is steep slope. Mr. Weiler reminded him that the regulations do not allow any development on steep slope.

There was discussion regarding the presence of wetland on the property, the permit needed for crossing a wetland, and the regulations pertaining to wetlands.

There was discussion regarding the presence of steep slope on the property and the regulations governing same.

Mr. Vannatta said the first step is to determine the size of the wetland area and have that information certified by a licensed engineer. Mr. Weiler referred Mr. Falvey to the zoning ordinance, Article XXI, Stormwater Management for further information and requirements regarding crossing the wetland buffer.

There was discussion concerning the amount of disturbance to the land. The Board recommended that Mr. Falvey consult an engineer and determine the size of the wetland area. If there is over 10,000 square feet of overall wetland area (as defined by the Town’s regulations), then the applicant will need a conditional use permit from the Planning Board.

Land Subdivision Application Fees
Mr. Vannatta suggested that the Board discuss the possibility of raising the fees since they haven’t changed in six years. Mr. Weiler said research would surface the cost per abutter and the cost per hearing. Mr. Vannatta said the Land Use Coordinator is preparing a breakdown of costs and the topic will be discussed further at the August 2, 2011 meeting.     

Incorrect Public Notice
There was discussion concerning an incorrect public notice for a subdivision application – it was incorrectly noticed as a minor subdivision instead of a major subdivision.  The Board determined that the hearing must be re-noticed correctly. Mr. Vannatta said he will offer the applicant a hearing date of August 2, 2011 or August 16, 2011.

B&B, Inn, Cottage Industry Definition Review
There was general discussion about the differences between a bed and breakfast (B&B) and an inn. Ms. Ruppel said a B&B is permitted in residential districts and an inn is not. She provided four sample definitions of inns from across the country.

Mr. Healey presented information he researched through the NH B&B Association (NHBBA), noting that the NHBBA defines a B&B as having two to 11 rooms for rent on a per diem basis. According to the NHBBA an inn has 12 rooms or more for rent on a per diem basis. Additionally, the NHBBA considers one parking space per room as desirable.

Mr. Healey said the NHBBA does not consider renting one room as running a B&B. He said the association defines the B&B experience as a bedroom with bath and breakfast dining in a common dining room.

There was discussion about the state regulations governing B&Bs and inns and the differences between state and local regulations. Additionally, there was discussion about achieving consistency between state and local regulations governing B&Bs, parking concerns and the break-even point for B&B owners.

There was discussion about the definition for an inn. Ms. Ruppel reviewed various descriptions of inns that included an on-site restaurant that accepts non-resident guests (public dining) and location in commercial districts only. The Board tabled further discussion on the topic until the next work session meeting.

The Board discussed accessory apartments used as cottage industries. Further discussion was tabled for future work session meetings.

CIP Schedule & Status
Ms. Ruppel said all the needed financial information has been submitted by the Town Administrator and the first meeting of the CIP Committee will be in July, with subsequent meetings throughout August into September. She said the August meetings will include “needs” presentations from department heads.

OEP Cutbacks
Ms. Ruppel said the Office of Energy and Planning (OEP) has experienced financial cutbacks and will not offer a conference this fall. She said the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission is considering offering a day-long conference in the fall and noted that all boards within the region will receive a questionnaire asking for possible seminar topics. The Board agreed that a legal update would be useful.

Mr. Geddes made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Powell seconded the motion. All in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 9:08 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Meg Whittemore
Recording Secretary